safeHands 買2件半價 ,繼續支持香港抗疫

safeHands 買2件半價 ,繼續支持香港抗疫

全城戒備,Omicron來勢洶洶。為保持個人衛生,手部需要全日保持消毒狀態。 safeHands 無酒精搓手液,使用Benzalkonium Chloride殺菌,據美國實驗研究報告*,Benzalkonium Chloride搓手液有效殺菌率達99.99%,並能維持最多4小時,是你最佳防疫良伴。


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  1. Inactivation of SARS-CoV-2 by 2 commercially available Benzalkonium chloride-based hand sanitizers in comparison with an 80% ethanol-based hand sanitizer (Brandon L.Herdt, Elaine P.Black, Sifang S.Zhou, Cameron J.Wilde). Infection Prevention in Practice 3 (2021) 100191.
  2. Alcohol-free hand sanitizer and other quaternary ammonium disinfectants quickly and effectively inactivate SARS-CoV-2 (B.H. Ogilvie, Solis-Leal, J.B. Lopez, B.D. Poole, R.A. Robison,B.K. Berges) November 28, 2020, Journal of Hospital Infection.