又一研究證明含有BENZALKONIUM CHLORIDE成份的無酒精搓手液對新冠肺炎有效  Another recent report showed that hand sanitizer using Benzalkonium Chloride is effective towards covid-19

又一研究證明含有BENZALKONIUM CHLORIDE成份的無酒精搓手液對新冠肺炎有效 Another recent report showed that hand sanitizer using Benzalkonium Chloride is effective towards covid-19

20211125日,以Brandon L. Herdt1為首的4名研究人員在美國Infection Prevention in Practice 發表了含 Benzalkonium chloride搓手液對新冠肺炎(SARS-CoV-2) 的研究,他們使用了2款商用 Benzalkonium chloride搓手液與80%酒精搓手液做對比,發現30秒後,含 Benzalkonium chloride成份的搓手液能達到99.99%殺菌效率。這結論與202011月份,美國 Brigham Young University2 研究團隊的報告結論是一致的。



  1. Inactivation of SARS-CoV-2 by 2 commercially available Benzalkonium chloride-based hand sanitizers in comparison with an 80% ethanol-based hand sanitizer (Brandon L.Herdt, Elaine P.Black, Sifang S.Zhou, Cameron J.Wilde). Infection Prevention in Practice 3 (2021) 100191.
  2. Alcohol-free hand sanitizer and other quaternary ammonium disinfectants quickly and effectively inactivate SARS-CoV-2 (B.H. Ogilvie, Solis-Leal, J.B. Lopez, B.D. Poole, R.A. Robison,B.K. Berges) November 28, 2020, Journal of Hospital Infection.